How to Access and Review Your Payroll Information with LiteBlue ePayroll

USPS employees have the capability to access their salaries, job descriptions, and pay accounts via the Liteblue Epayroll online website at To utilize the Liteblue payroll portal, employees must maintain an active USPS Liteblue account.

Once the pay period concludes, employees can conveniently access their payroll information electronically through LiteBlue ePayroll. This system enables employees to examine their payroll accounts, allotments, and benefits.

In the "Employee Apps" section, select "ePayroll," and then follow the on-screen instructions. Your detailed ePayroll information is typically available online starting on Tuesday evening prior to your pay date.

How to login USPS ePayroll

  • Click “Employee Apps”
  • Click “PoastalEASE”

Your earnings statement on ePayroll provides a comprehensive overview of your paid hours, leave and retirement details, additional pay, deductions, and net-to-bank amount. It's important to note that adjustments appearing during the current pay period may include corrections or modifications from previous periods.

Presently, the ePayroll application permits employees to review and print earnings statements dating back up to two years, or slightly less, depending on pay period arrangements. Additionally, USPS will mail a printed version of your earnings statement each pay period.

The printed pay stub summarizes the same information as ePayroll but may be slightly more challenging to interpret. The 2023 Letter Carrier Resource Guide provides a comprehensive explanation of how to interpret your printed pay stub.

Whether you review the electronic version via ePayroll or the traditional paper paystub, it's crucial for letter carriers to consistently monitor their work hours and review their payroll records to ensure accurate calculation of their paycheck.

If you identify any discrepancies in your payroll, promptly communicate with your shop steward or branch officer for investigation.

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