Understanding the USPS Thrift Savings Plan (TSP): A Comprehensive Guide

The USPS Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a valuable retirement savings option offered to employees of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

How Does the TSP Work?

The TSP operates similarly to a 401(k) plan in the private sector. Employees can contribute a portion of their salary to their TSP account on a pre-tax basis, helping them save for retirement while reducing their taxable income.

Benefits of the TSP

  • Tax Advantages: Contributions to the TSP are made on a pre-tax basis, potentially reducing employees' taxable income.
  • Employer Matching: Some USPS employees may be eligible for employer matching contributions, further boosting their retirement savings.
  • Investment Options: The TSP offers a range of investment options, including lifecycle funds and individual funds covering various asset classes, allowing employees to tailor their investment strategy.
  • Portability: TSP accounts are portable, meaning employees can take their account with them if they leave USPS employment.

Preparing for Retirement with the TSP

Participating in the TSP is an essential step in preparing for retirement. By contributing regularly and choosing appropriate investment options, employees can build a substantial nest egg to support them in retirement.

Employees should regularly review their TSP account, adjust their contributions and investment allocations as needed, and take advantage of educational resources provided by USPS to make informed decisions about their retirement savings.

In conclusion, the USPS Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a valuable tool for USPS employees to save for retirement. With its tax advantages, employer matching, diverse investment options, and portability, the TSP offers a solid foundation for employees to build their retirement wealth.


If you are a career employee, you have the flexibility to enroll in or modify your TSP at any point. Unlike other benefits, there is no specific enrollment period for TSP.

For career employees hired after July 31, 2010, enrollment in TSP is automatic. A standard deduction of 3% of your basic pay is allocated to your traditional TSP account unless you choose to modify or halt your contributions.

Agency Automatic and Matching Contributions for FERS

Under FERS coverage, contributing 5% of your basic pay to your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account triggers additional contributions from the Postal Service, doubling your TSP contributions. This effectively enhances your retirement savings, fostering a more financially secure future.

  • Agency Automatic Contributions: FERS-covered employees receive a 1% contribution of their basic pay from the agency each pay period, regardless of their personal TSP contributions.
  • Matching Contributions: FERS-covered employees contributing 5% of their basic pay to the TSP receive an extra 4% contribution from the agency into their TSP account.

How to Enroll in TSP

To modify or enroll in TSP Traditional, Roth Contributions, or TSP 50+ Catch Up Contributions:

  • Most convenient: Utilize PostalEASE Online via LiteBlue, Blue, or at an Employee Kiosk.
  • Also possible: Access PostalEASE Self-Service Phone at 1-877-477-3273, option 1.

To adjust investment fund contributions and conduct interfund transfers, log in to your TSP account on the TSP website.

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